Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hot spot

I've just returned from the first stop! The great Eyjafjallajӧkull. A subglacial volcano located on the southern coast of the large island, to be specific: 63˚38'N 19˚36'W.
Wow.... was all I could say when I arrived. Indeed I could've been saying 'wow' to the ridiculous temperatures, but it was the breathtaking white caps, and stunning terrain that thrilled me the most. 
So why am I tell you about it? Well this volcano is a Hot spot. Were not talking WiFi, but rather a volcanic region that is created by mantle that is especially hot compared to other places. No one knows the exact reasoning as to why these form, but one hypothesis are "mantle plumes" (a hypothetical idea) that hot rock rises from the core through the Earth's mantle. 
Some of these volcanoes occur on plate boundaries and others far away. (Hawaii is a hot spot located in the middle of the Pacific, not even in proximity to a boundary)
Iceland happens to be one of the most volcanic regions in the world (located on a divergent boundary line) Could it be because of this "hot spot" phenomenon? Who knows, maybe you'll be the one to figure it out...

Here is a map showing the volcanic activity on Iceland:

File:Volcanic system of Iceland-Map-en.svg

Here is a diagram of Hot Spots:

And here is the result:
Sadly, all great days must come to an end, so goodnight and hopefully I'll being sharing my next tectonic adventure with you in the next 2 days or so...

Goodbye Iceland!

1 comment:

  1. Holy jeezus! Sadie you write A TON! But it's great! And I love all these visuals!
